The best foods for brain health

Daniel Bernardi

There is no doubt in the fact that our brain is one of the most critical organs in our body. Experts estimate that the mind has between 50,000 – 80,000 thoughts a day.

Not only does the brain produce thoughts that influence our emotions, it sends messages via the spinal cord to help control the muscles and organs which keep us going. In order to power those thoughts and ensure our body is functioning at our optimum capacity, maintaining a healthy brain is incredibly important. 


If you are eating a healthy and nutrient-rich diet, it will help you to keep your brain healthy and enhance its working efficiency. Conversely, consuming unhealthy or “junk” foods can significantly alter the ability for your brain to function at its highest capacity.

We all are told to consume a healthy diet since our childhood. Yes! It is imperative. Consuming healthy foods is not only good for our physical growth but also helps in sustaining our mental growth. You wouldn’t put poor quality fuel in your car, and the same should apply to your body. The better the fuel, the better your body will work.

So what foods are best to boost your brain health? Omega-3 fatty acids are good for repairing the brain cells. Also, foods that are rich in antioxidants are considered a good source for brain development.

The list below outlines just a few of the best foods you can eat to improve your brain's ability to function at its peak;


As a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, oily fish is considered the best food for the health of your brain. These omega-3s are best in improving the structure of the brain cells called neurons. It has been linked to the prevention of mental decline and Alzheimer’s relating to age. Hence, adding oily fish to your diet is an excellent idea as it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. 


Nuts and seeds are rich in antioxidants, especially vitamin E, that improves brain function. Also, nuts and seeds are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. As a person gets older, the working efficiency of the brain begins to decline.

That's why nuts and seeds are incredibly beneficial for the health of your brain. Experts have found that the vitamin E that is present in nuts can help to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. It also helps the brain to function correctly throughout the aging process.


Tomatoes contain a potent antioxidant called lycopene which is suggested to improve the health of your brain. Lycopene helps to protect against the free radical damage to the cells that occur in the development of dementia. 

Furthermore, tomatoes assist in reducing the risk of radical damage to the brain cells which can lower your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Tomatoes are an easy addition to your daily meals, with the versatility to be used in savory meals as well as salads and snacks. 


Leafy greens such as Kale & Spinach are good for you for many reasons. They are full of vitamins B, E & K as well as Folate and L-Tyrosine. Together, these vitamins aid with your memory and can help to slow the decline of your cognitive function. Toss together with tomatoes and a few seeds and you have a delicious, healthy, brain powering salad. 

Another member of the green family (albeit a little less leafy), is broccoli. Broccoli is a fantastic source of vitamin K and Choline which significantly improves brain power, boosts cognitive function and assists with enhancing your memory. Researchers claim that people with a higher intake of broccoli possess a better memory. 


Coffee can be good for your brain if consumed in moderation. It contains many potent compounds that are good for the health of your brain health. Coffee contains certain antioxidants, which act as a strong wall against the damage to brain cells.

Consuming tea is associated with prevention of diseases including dementia and certain cancers, as well as a longer life. A study found that drinking six or more cups of green tea per day was associated with a 33% reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared with drinking less than a cup per week.


Berries are some of the healthiest foods you can eat. They're low in calories and high in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Many berries have been associated with being beneficial for heart health. These include lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, while reducing oxidative stress.

Berries are an incredibly healthy source of antioxidants which help keep the brain functioning and can assist in the prevention of age-related memory loss. Berries have many benefits in maintaining a healthy body, including anti-aging properties for natural skin care treatments. Blueberries, strawberries and blackberries are all incredible sources of antioxidants and are easy to consume, refreshing snack foods.

While food is incredibly important to ensure the health of your brain, don’t overlook exercise. This may sound silly since you cannot physically exercise your brain. Except that you can. Your brain is a muscle and just like every other muscle in your body, you can exercise it.

While it may not be the traditional workout that you would do for a bicep, the brain can be put to work through puzzles, reading, listening to music or learning a new skill.

Don’t underestimate the importance of stimulating your brain through the use of your imagination with music and art or tapping into your critical thinking side through brain games or puzzles.  

One of the best ways to improve and maintain the health of your brain is by improving the quality of your diet. Developing a few healthy habits by adding a few of these important brain-boosting foods to your diet will be beneficial for your health in the long term.